Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Dec 2010
thanks for your previous reply.
i am having 2 month baby who was born at term gestation with 2.6 was diagnosed antenatally having pericardial effusion and required nicu stay of 10 days and was o2 dependent for 2 days.
echo after 14 days showed pericardial effusion decreased but child was diagnosed to have cardiomyopathy so was on lasix and captopril.
even on follow up weight is just 2.95 kg.

can you advice what i can do for weight gain and any other treatment option for cardiomyopathy

thanking you
dr kunal
Expert Answer :
One needs to find out the cause of cardiomyopathy. One should rule out Carnitine deficiency, other metabolic problems. Also hypocalcemia should be ruled out. Carnitine supplement may be useful in case of Carnitine deficiency. What is the ejection fraction_? Dose of diuretic and Captopril may be adjusted to increase the cardiac output.
Answer Discussion :
kandakatla hari
nothing can be done at this juncture,give him breast feeds,if inadequate supplement,watch him carefully with every fortnight visits,fallow with repeated echocardiography.
14 years ago
vipul mistry
iv immunoglobulin....evaluetion for cardiomaypathy....
14 years ago
we have to avoid energy loss by giving tube feeding and ensure adequate calories intake, you can add digoxin and reduce lasix.
14 years ago
14 years ago
bassam alawy
Itis hopless condition no way for weihgt gain dueto heart failure only symptomatic treatad bad prognosis
14 years ago

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