Diagnostic Dilemma

Breath holding spells

A 4 months old boy, product of nonconsagunious marriage with no antenatal complications, term vaginal delivery had HIE stage II. He continues to have breath holding cyanotic spells, Hb is 14gmspercent. Metabolic screen is negative, ECHO normal, EEG normal, no congenital anomalies. He is O2 dependent.

What is the possible diagnosis and treatment_?
Expert Opinion :
Rule out hypocalcemia
Answer Discussion :
Breath holding spells are of two types-cyanotic and pallid.This must be a cyanotic variety.Treatment is iron drops.{statistically iron supplementation relieves breath holdin spells}
16 years ago
Medhat Fouad Bauomy
First , considering the breath holding cyanotic spells , it could be , in the view of the mentioned investigations , a subtle convulsive fits which could present by cyanotic spells without any changes in the musle tone , so try phenobarbitone .
Second , please clarify more about what you mean by oxygen dependent , is he need oxygen during the attack or always , what about his oxygen saturtion with and without the supplemental oxygen , what about his ABG.

16 years ago

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