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Expert Opinion
Q. A 5-year-old girl was admitted with high-grade fever for 3-4 days. fever was not responding to antip.......
Post Date : 23 Feb 2025
Expert Opinion:
This child is likely to have Viral illness only. Pl do not start Antibiotics without any evidence of Bacterial infection and also never start Antimalarials in suspected uncomplicated malaria without documentation of Malaria parasite or indirect evidence in the form of a positive malaria antigen test. This child needs follow-up and Antipyretics in the form of Paracetamol 15 mg/kg/dose every 4 - 6 hours. There is a lot more overdoing in this child.

Q. Infant age 2 months full term weight 5.2 kg, has an umbilical hernia size of about 10 cm long and 3 cm wide, how to deal or manage this case?
Post Date : 16 Feb 2025
Expert Opinion:
Usually, umbilical hernia is to be treated conservatively, hence no touch. However, look for any sign of complications like irreducibility, intestinal obstruction, redness, tenderness on the swelling, incarceration etc, then you need to operate and close the defect by an umbilical hernia repair.

Q. If a child who is 5.5 years old receives two doses of the DPT vaccine at an interval of 4 months, what would be the implication of such a repeat dose if given? is it going to produce any ill effect on the patient?
Post Date : 09 Feb 2025
Expert Opinion:
2nd dose of DPT will give a heightened response - both immunological as well as side effects. There will not be any major ill-effect.

Q. In ADHD for how long should we prescribe medicines?
Post Date : 02 Feb 2025
Expert Opinion:
Since ADHD is a chronic problem and can even persist in adulthood, medicines are needed for a long time. If the child begins taking a medication at the start of the school year, then they are generally going to be committed to working with that medication for the rest of the school year. A child’s situation may improve to where other interventions and accommodations kick in and the child can function pretty well without the medication.

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