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Pediatric Oncall Journal
Pediatric Oncall Journal
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Infection In Children
Infection In Children  NEW ARRIVAL
By Dr. Ira Shah
Covers the topics of Rational antibiotic prescribing MRSA, Visceral larva migrans Clostridium difficile diarrhea exposure prophylaxis and more

ISBN:  9789381656594 Year:  2024
Pages:  186 Size:  A5 - 5.83" x 8.27"
Rs. 760
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Infection in Children - Part 3
Infection in Children - Part 3
By Dr Ira Shah
This book focuses on resistant infections and worsening manifestations in spite of optimum therapy & is an aid to the treatment of these infections in clinical practice.

ISBN:  9789381656273 Year:  2019
Pages:  134 Size:  A5
Rs. 760
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Pediatric Drug Index
Pediatric Drug Index
By Pediatric Oncall
More than 1500 drug dosing details.

ISBN:  9789381656259 Year:  2019
Pages:  200 Size:  A6
Rs. 760
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Dengue, Malaria, Leptospirosis & Typhoid
Dengue, Malaria, Leptospirosis & Typhoid
By Dr Ira Shah
Tropical fevers in the form of dengue, malaria, leptospirosis and typhoid are on the rise in recent years. The number of cases hospitalized due to these illnesses have increased tr...

ISBN:  978-93-81656-23-5 Year:  2018
Pages:  94 Size:  A5
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Infection in Children - Part 2
Infection in Children - Part 2
By Dr. Ira Shah
Infections in children often lead to dilemmas in diagnosis and need rational anti-microbial prescribing. This book deals with various infections in clinical practice and an approac...

ISBN:  9789381656228 Year:  2017
Pages:  162 Size:  A5
Rs. 760
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Case Rounds In Pediatric Liver Disorders
Case Rounds In Pediatric Liver Disorders
By Dr. Ira Shah
Pediatric Liver Diseases are a unique set of disorders seen in children and are very different from adult liver disorders. Approach to these disorders are presented in this book.

ISBN:  9789381656181 Year:  2016
Pages:  118 Size:  A5 - 5.83" x 8.27"
Rs. 760
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