MCQ Quiz

Need help for Pediatric Board Certification Exams and for post graduate exams?
This section is for those interested in multiple choice questions in Pediatrics (for MRCPCH and DNB). The MCQ tests can be taken online with an immediate assessment of the results. The assessment of results is detailed, with assessment of weak and strong points.
Quiz on Kawasaki Disease
Dr. Murtaza Kamal
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Sarah Alfaqaih
Total Questions: 30
Ayaz Ahmed
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Infectious Diseases - 2
Dr Sourav Maiti
Total Questions: 25
MCQs in Neonatal Resuscitation
Murtaza Kamal
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Pediatric Hematology
Dr Gunjan Baweja
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Infectious Diseases
Dr Sourav Maiti
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Neurology
Dr Snehal Desai
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Immunization
Dr Nikhil Patankar
Total Questions: 25
MCQs on Respiratory System
Dr Nikhil Patankar
Total Questions: 15
MCQs - Body Fluids and Fluid Therapy
Dr Bhushan Katira
Total Questions: 26
MCQs - Hematology and Immunology
Dr Vishal Dublish
Total Questions: 38
MCQs Set 4
Dr Vishal Dublish
Total Questions: 25
MCQs Set 3
Dr Vishal Dublish
Total Questions: 25
MCQs Set 2
Dr Vishal Dublish
Total Questions: 25
MCQs Set 1
Dr Vishal Dublish
Total Questions: 23
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