Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 09 Mar 2025
Can we give prophylactic A.T.T., to asymptomatic, P.E.M Gr. 1, 2,5 year below children, with Mantoux -ve, with poor appetite, and normal other investigations? How do we manage these types of cases?
Expert Answer :
There is no need to give prophylactic ATT to such children except if there is sputum-positive family contact. This is more of a feeding problem. We have to look at Birth weight, child was LBW or not, feeding history, and serial weight record if available to see when the child faulte red in growth, rule out Urinary infection and then individualize the management - Nutritional rehabilitation.
Answer Discussion :
Dr.Hanif Ullah
no.we can not.we should rule out whether it is primary or secondary malnutrition.then treat accordingly
7 Days ago
No condition mentioned to warrant prophylactic ATT
8 Days ago
Dr Uziii
if there is no sign or radiograph finding or child hasn't exposed to TB we can't give prophylactic ATT first you have rule that is PEM is secondary to any disease or its primary there are some primary and Secondary causes of PEM
primary causes
low nutrients diet
cow milk goat milk before one year of life Poverty some other causes like late weaning off from breastfeeding.

9 Days ago
Dfsa Ata
idont know
9 Days ago
DrKathy Davis
disease cure antibiotic medicine
9 Days ago

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