Posted On :
16 Mar 2025
A 10-year-old female child presented with a fever of 2-3 days duration fever was intermittent in nature. All tests run for investigating the fever were negative. CRP was positive to the tune of 2.4 which later on decreased to 1.2, CBC was initially in the range of 5800 with polymorphs of 70 percent which later became normal after a week of antibiotics, malaria dengue, typhoid were negative. blood culture was negative. The child has received almost 10 days of a=iv antibiotics(ceftriaxone and oflox) but the fever continues to persist. clinically child is stable and active taking meals with no urinary or bowel complaints. The last USG done on day 10 of the antibiotic showed mild hepatosplenomegaly with periportal lymphadenopathy, while the earlier USG was normal.
What diagnosis should be kept for this nonresponding fever? What should be the treatment guideline?