Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Nov 2011
here by ma sending case profile of a 5plus year child born to 2 non consanguios parents with excellent school performance with a weight of 16 kg`.
main complaints were cough on and off for 10 days. had fever for 5 days week back responded to cefrixime.
in view of waxing waning of cough, x ray done was normal. comlete blood picture was normal except ESR of 16mm, 1st hr. mantoux done was positive -10mm after 48 hrs. on going back hisotry, her mother had pulmonary kochs when he was 1 year old and was isolated as per the physicisn npediatricina, so no chemoprophylaxixs given. in view of this pulmonologist opinion was sought , told it was a latent infection, no need to treat for that in a hurry , we can wait for few months if his appetite was good n weight was not reducing. pleas guide me.
Expert Answer :
Yes, one can wait as there is no clear cut evidence of disease due to TB. Mantoux test of 10mm in a child who has received BCG would be borderline. Also though mother had TB 4 years ago, did she have open TB_? If not, unlikely of this being TB contact. The child needs to be closely observed for symptoms of TB.
Answer Discussion :
NUHA alzaabi
the is to give prophalaxis as isoniazide for 6 months
13 years ago

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