Diagnostic Dilemma

Positive Mantoux Test

A 2 years old boy presented with dry cough for 1 month. There is no fever or loss of appetite though he has not put on any weight in past 6 months. There is no contact with tuberculosis. On examination, he has insignificant cervical lymphadenopathy. Other examination findings are normal. A Mantoux test done in him was positive 15 x 10 mm.

What kind of tuberculosis does this child have _?
Expert Opinion :
Harshal and Paresh, Where is the tb lymphadenitis_? - Cervical or elsewhere_?
Abdul, for endobronchial Tb, this child does not have any signs of emphysema or foreign body
Sundeep, where in the pulmonary area is the TB, is it primary complex, is it fibrocavitatory TB or is it primary progressive TB_?
Answer Discussion :
DrMohit Kehar
{ESAT-6 and, or CFP-10
responsiveness detected}
M. tuberculosis infection likely

{No ESAT-6 or CFP-10
responsiveness detected}
M. tuberculosis infection unlikely, but
cannot be excluded especially when
1. any illness is consistent with
tuberculosis disease
2. likelihood of progression to
disease {e.g., because of
immunosuppression} is increased

Test not interpretable

14 years ago
tarek kotbc
14 years ago

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