Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 30 Jun 2004
Infant 10 months old presented with acute onset of pallor { since 4 days }. This infant was treated for chest infection for 7 days previously by parenteral antibiotic { Cefotaxime } but no improvment . At time of presentation, there was severe respiratory distress { grade 3 }, severe pallor , heart failure {enlarged tender liver , tachy cardia More Than 200 bpm , slight cardiomegaly by x-ray }, CBC revealed pancytopenia and reticulopenia { Hb: 2.1 gm , RBC : 800,000 c.,cmm , WBC : 2000 c. ,cmm , platelets : 45,000 , corrected reticulocytic count : 0.1 Percent }. This baby was hospitalized , blood transfusion was given , I V fluids was given , oxygen supplied , antibiotic was adminstered unasyn and claforan . Serial CBC revealed improving in RBC count and leukocytic count, but improving in platelets was slightly delayed . Blood culture was not done . What is the possible diagnosis and what further investigation are needed ?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Claude Newbury
haemolytic uraemic syndrome
20 years ago
Vandana Kent
Septicemia with DIC.

Investigations required:
Echocardiography ,PT,APTT, FDP, bloodc-s and CRP.

20 years ago
trnsient erythroblastopenia of infancy
20 years ago
Peter Hsu
Drug allergy
20 years ago

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