Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 03 Oct 2011
1 . Is Clofibrate available in market_? Please mention brand names , strength , formulation and its use in neonatal jaundice.
2 . What to give for symptomatic relief for oral painful lesions such as stomatitis Or thrush so as to improve oral intake _?

With Thanks and regards
Expert Answer :
Clofibrate is not available in the Indian market. It has been used in the treatment of indirect non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia in dose of 100 mg, Kg as a single dose.
For relief of painful stomatitis, one can apply Topical Lidocaine or Benzocaine and take oral NSAIDS. Specific treatment would depend on the cause such as Acyclovir for herpetic stomatitis, antifungals for oral thrush.
Answer Discussion :
clofibrate rarely used nowdays its use is associated with gall bladder stone brand name is benzofibrate use in neonatal jaundice Less than N_?K More than french coctail is used for stomatitis Less than nystatinplusxyloxaineplusNa.HCO3 More than
13 years ago
clofibrate rarely used nowdays its use is associated with gall bladder stone brand name is benzofibrate use in neonatal jaundice Less than N_?K More than french coctail is used for stomatitis Less than nystatinplusxyloxaineplusNa.HCO3 More than
13 years ago
mohammed ali
yes ,not used in neonatal jaundice
13 years ago

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