Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 27 Feb 2011
1. Besides Penicillins and animal venoms , which drugs need skin sensitivity test _? Please provide comprehensive list .

2. Please explain in detail exact procedure and how to interpret _?

3. Does a drug need to be tested for sensitivity every time i.e. Penidura 3 weekly , benzyl penicllin , Streptomycin etc. daily_?

4. Do oral drugs also need such precaution _?
Expert Answer :
Drug skin testing is needed if patients with a history of an immediate hypersensitivity reaction must take that drug. Two skin test techniques can be used Percutaneous {prick}, Intradermal test. The prick test can detect most allergies. The intradermal test is more sensitive but less specific` it can be used to evaluate sensitivity to allergens with negative or equivocal prick test results. For the prick test, a drop of antigen extract is placed on the skin, which is then pricked or punctured through the extract by tenting up the skin with the tip of a 27-gauge needle held at a 20° angle or with a commercially available prick device. For the intradermal test, just enough extract to produce a 1- or 2-mm bleb {typically 0.02 mL} is injected intradermally with a 0.5- or 1-mL syringe and a 27-gauge short-bevel needle. In the case of penicillin skin testing, testing with Benzyl Penicillin as the sole antigenic determinant is the rule in the local setting because of the unavailability of the major and minor determinants. Severe reactions are less likely with oral therapy. The results of skin testing for penicillin allergy must be used within 72 hours. The
procedure must be repeated if penicillin is used again because the patient may have become clinically resensitized from the earlier course or from environmental exposure. Oral penicillin does not need skin testing.
Answer Discussion :
Ghavate Vikram
1.i, m iron 2.

14 years ago
ahmed Ragab
animal venoms
yes drug should be tested every time
oral needs no

14 years ago
hwsham hesho
ye s penicillin every 3 weeks no oral drug no need for test
14 years ago
N Swapna
14 years ago
p senthilkumar
14 years ago

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