Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 30 Jul 2007
Why there are hair changes in PEM ,but not in other conditions with hypoproteinemia?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
In PEM, more hairs are in the telogen {resting} phase than in the anagen {active} phase, a reverse of normal. Depigmentation of hair causes it to be reddish yellow to white. Curly hair becomes straightened. If periods of poor nutrition are interspersed with good nutrition, alternating bands of pale and dark hair, respectively, called the flag sign, may occur. PEM also involves an inadequate intake of many essential nutrients.
17 years ago
safy nawar
due to deficiency of essential amino acid e.g melanin ,plus zinc defecieancy
17 years ago
17 years ago

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