Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 27 Oct 2004
What to do in a child with mild hepatosplenomegaly but no complaints or other clinical findings?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Try and find out the cause of hepatosplenomegaly. Conditions such as anemia {hemolytic anemia}, HIV, storage disorder, chronic liver disease etc should be ruled out.
20 years ago
Maria Ovsyannikova
to examine liver ensymes
20 years ago
Since the clinical picture is only mild hepatosplenomegaly, we should carry out some investigation to rule out certain common disease.CBC for WBC count to exclude any infection or blood malignacies, Hb level to determine if any anemia exist, USG-abdomen for any abnormalities in the infrastructor like hepatitis,cirrohsis or Portal wise cardiac status of the patient should be evaluated.Bone marrow studies can be helpful! or some test for connective tissue disorder!
20 years ago
pramod madhukar kulk
continued clinical assesment of size every 3monthly.
watch for intermittent fever-commonest cause of all grades of hepatosplenomegaly in our country is malaria.
pallor,lymphnodes,jaundice,other system symptoms mandated.

20 years ago

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