Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Mar 2020
Should women receive the Rubella Vaccine in reproductive age even if they have received MMR during childhood?
Expert Answer :
If women received the Rubella Vaccine as MMR or monovalent Rubella Vaccine any time after 12 months of age, more than 90 percent of them would acquire a protective antibody level which would persist life long. However, the latest CDC guidelines suggest that women in reproductive age should be tested for rubella antibody and if it is absent than a dose of Rubella Vaccine should be administered. In my opinion, if the girl has received two doses of MMR vaccine at 15 months and at 5 years of age as per IAP and ACIP recommendation, then it is not required to be given again during reproductive age.
Answer Discussion :
Shilpa Rahamatkar
As, if the patient contracts the infection or had a 2 doses of MMR vaccine....... Patient gets Immunity lifelong

5 years ago
monica volpato
If adequate cover of MMR at least 2 doses ( documented ) ,else do titres of rubella antibody .if immune not needed for vaccination in reproductive age. If serology negative postpone pregnancy for 3 months alter shot
5 years ago
Pramod Kulkarni
one dose of rubella vaccine is highly immunogenic for lifetime..
sufficient to prevent CRS

5 years ago
Kavita Khanijo
If adequate cover of MMR at least 2 doses ( documented ) ,else do titres of rubella antibody .if immune not needed for vaccination in reproductive age.
5 years ago
Nisha Krishnan
Can give if serology negative
Postpone pregnancy for 3 months post vaccine

5 years ago

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