Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Mar 2020
I am a general practitioner. Recently I had a patient, 5 months old male baby, presented to me with inconsolable crying, he was afebrile, not drawing up his limbs {probably no abdominal pain}. It was impossible to check his respiratory rate or to auscultate him. Assuming that he may have URTI, I gave him treatment but that did not help him. Later on I was told that he was found to have `hansli` {clavicle} pain and was relieved by rubbing a certain way. My question is that what is `hansli` pain and how to diagnose and treat it_?
He was also reluctant to take feed and was unable to sleep.
Expert Answer :
Since the child had excessive cry and pain over the clavicle, rule out a fracture of clavicle. ALso rule out sepsis. A CRP would be useful and xray chest for the clavicle.
Answer Discussion :
roughly shoulder griping of the baby main cause of the callar bone pain or Hasli pain
5 years ago
Abdul Waheed
hansli pain more due to weak bones of babies and relieved by analgesic and by hot massage
5 years ago
hadiza Ikioda
collar bone pain
5 years ago
Aala Farah
Collar bone pain
5 years ago

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