Spot Diagnosis

Neonatal jaundice

Question :
Spot diagnosis

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
Neonatal jaundice. Jaundice in early infancy is often physiological and usually disappears within the first fortnight. However direct jaundice (conjugated hyperbilirubinemia) is always pathological. The direct nature of jaundice can be suspected by observing the ‘off-white stools’ and ‘yellow urine’ with the presence of jaundice. Causes include CMV, Rubella, Reovirus III, Hepatitis B, Niemann-Pick disease, Galactosemia, Alpa-1 antitrypsin deficiency, Biliary Hypoplasia (Syndromic), Iron storage disease, chromosomal anomalies, biliary atresia and Choledochal cyst.

Correct Answers : yes  18%

Last Shown : Aug 2007
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