Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 09 Jan 2007
If the platelets are low in an aplastic anemia patient and she is bleeding from a wound secondary to thrombocytopenia. She is not affording and we can't mobilise platelets for her as they are not available in or out of our hospital . What drugs can be used to stop or reduce the bleeding in this case ? Atleast temporarily to buy time
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
fresh whole blood transfusion can be tried. preferably leukodepleted
18 years ago
atis basak
e amino caproic acid
18 years ago
in cases of tothrombocytopenia due decreased production from bone marrow only treatment is to replace platelet if the bleeding is significant. blood transfusion to prevent shock due to blood loss { replace ongoing loss}.
i dont know other things locally aplied like fibrous sealants will work , or role of EACA , tranexamic acid etc in this case still it is worth a trial .
you did nt mention the type of aplastic anemia in this case , if fanconis constitutional aplastic anemia anabolic steroids may be tried

18 years ago
You may try local application of EACA and even adrenaline packs.
18 years ago

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