Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Dec 2006
Can Acyclovir be given to a child who already shows vesicular lesions, may be in third or fourth day of the disease-chicken pox? If yes, what dose? Does Acyclovir reduce the severity of rash outbreak and what are the chances that the child may get second episode of chicken pox later on in his,her life due to first abortive episode?
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Answer Discussion :
yes.10-20-kg-day.yes,acyclovir does reduce the severity of rash.5-10 Percent
18 years ago
no, but Anti-viral drugs{acyclovir} effective against vericella are known but are usually not required for otherwise healthy children and for uncomplicated cases of chickenpox. They may, however, be required when complications such as varicella pneumonia occur or when an immunocompromised child suffers from chickenpox.
chickenpox give life long immunity.second episodes is very rare but during adolscent may be complaining from shingles

18 years ago
Dr P R Rajender
no.acyclovir has to be started within 24 hours to be effective. itdoes not alter the duration or severity of the outbreak if started later than 24 hours.the 2nd episode would be a minor ailment if at all it occurs
18 years ago
NO,it serves no purpopse as it is not cost effective and it has complications, acyclovir is useful within 48 hrs of onset of vescicles
18 years ago
Read the article on Chickenpox on or from the link given below:

Oral acyclovir for healthy persons older than 12 years begun within 24 hours of onset of symptoms, has been shown to decrease the duration of lesions and pyrexia and to diminish symptoms and duration of disease.

For immunosuppressed patients, Intravenous acyclovir is recommended.

Acyclovir does not prevent formation of protective antibodies and thus the child will be immune till he has antibodies in the protective range. Once the immunity decreases, there will be a chance of herpes zoster in life.

18 years ago

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