Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Jul 2004
An 8 yr old girl,weight 30Kgs, apparently in a healthy condition, developed low grade fever for 3 days associated with nausea and 3-4 episodes of vomiting. She was adviced Ofloxacin and Domperidone by a local pediatrician. Fever did not respond well to these medications and a repeat advice was sought and was asked to continue the same. On day 3, she started complaining of 'Burning sensation' in feet and would'nt allow anyone to touch them and would feel comfortable with application of cold. Her extremities were cold and for this unusual complaint, was taken to a hospital where she was admitted for observations and some IV fluids were administered. Two hours following infusions, she developed agitated behaviour and on examination her blood pressure was found to be progressively falling and hence was shifted to ICU. ECG done showed Ventricular tachycardia and despite adequate intervention succumbed to her illness. All her investigations were within normal limits including electrolytes. No history of diarrhea, oligouria, any congenital anamolies, birth injuruies or cardiac complaints , previous hospitalization. What is the diagnosis?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
20 years ago
Dr Sanwar Agrawal
Beginning with a febrile illness and going on to develop ventricular tachycardia and probably cardiogenic shock{ agitation may be because of hypotension leading to reduced cerebral perfusion},myocarditis remains a very strong possibility.The difficult part though is to explain the burning sensation feet. Some peripheral neuropathy?
20 years ago

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