Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 03 Jun 2006
Why all NSAIDs are not given for the treatment of Rheumatic fever?
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Answer Discussion :
rao immaneni
18 years ago
bec the arthritis is dramatically respond to asprin
18 years ago
there is increased risk of bleeding
18 years ago
Because of Reye Syndrome
18 years ago
Steroids and salicylates are useful in the control of pain and inflammation. Even though NSAIDs would undoubtedely be effective as anti-inflammatory agents in acute rheumatic fever, there are no conclusive data to support their use. Aspirin is the drug of choice for this condition and would continue to remain so in the years to come because of its efficacy and safety profile. There have been no well designed controlled studies which show that NSAIDs are significantly more effective than aspirin in any rheumatological condition including acute rheumatic fever.
The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug {NSAID} naproxen has also been studied. It is effective and may be easier to use than aspirin in Rheumatic fever.

Kaplan EL. Rheumatic fever. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th edn. Eds. Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, et al. New York, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1998, pp 1309-1311.

Clements PJ, Paulus HE. Non-steroidal anti-rheumatic drugs. In: Textbook of Rheumatology, 5th edn. Eds. Kelley WN, Ruddy S, Harris ED, Sledge CB. Philadelphia, W.B. Sa-1nders Company, 1997, pp 707-740.

Uziel Y, Hashkes PJ, Kassem E, Padeh S, Goldman R, Vollach B. The use of naproxen in the treatment of children with rheumatic fever. J Pediatr 2000,137: 269-71.

18 years ago

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