Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 01 Aug 2007
What is the role of Ketotifen in asthma and other forms of Atopy?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Faizan Bhoira
mast cell stabiliser, hence prevent release of histamine and othr inflamatory mediators
17 years ago
Ketotifen has been used in prophylaxis
of bronchial asthma for from 16 weeks to 2 years. The disodium chromoglycate is superior to Ketotifen.But study proved that the ketotifen is not useful in asthma and atopy.

17 years ago
Ketotifen is a mast cell and basophil stabilizer as well as an H1 receptor antagonist. The drug has been studied in asthma, but sedation and drowsiness have been reported in a significant number of patients in clinical trials. In studies in children, doses of 1-2 mg of ketotifen have been shown to provide symptom relief and a minimal decrease in beta-agonist use but no significant change in pulmonary function.[
17 years ago

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