Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Aug 2024
What are the preventive measures for tetanus in babies whose delivery occurs out of the Hospital, or while coming to the Hospital and the parents cut the cord with unsterile blades or knives and don't apply any spirit or iodine?
Expert Answer :
You need to give tetglob to the child if the mother has not been immunized in the pregnancy. If the mother has received TT in pregnancy, one need not do anything.
Answer Discussion :
nadia azari
In the unusual circumstance that an infant is born outside the hospital and the umbilical cord likely is contaminated (eg, cut with nonsterile equipment), maternal history of tetanus immunization should be confirmed. If the mother's tetanus immunization status is unknown and she is unlikely to have been immunized, TIG should be administered to the neonate unless tetanus serostatus can be confirmed quickly. Infant diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) should be given on the standard schedule.
7 months ago
Hazrat Bilal
1:Tetanus is a disease best prevented rather than cured. The primary approach of tetanus treatment is to stop toxin production at the infection site along with wound care. The concurrent step is to use antibiotics along with immunoglobins that can cancel out circulating toxins.

2: by ensuring a clean delivery, clean cutting of the umbilical cord, and proper care of the cord in the days after birth

3: can be prevented by immunizing the mother before or during pregnancy. Can be given safely in pregnancy

7 months ago
Mutsyaba Arson
should be monitored for any sign of infection and treat appropriately wiz the suitable antibiotics
7 months ago
Dfsa Ata
To prevent tetanus in cases of home births:

1. Clean the Umbilical Cord**: Keep it dry and clean, using antiseptics if possible.
2. *Seek Immediate Care**: Get medical attention if signs of infection appear.
3. *Vaccination**: Ensure the mother receives the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy.
4. *Sterilize Instruments**: Use clean tools for cutting the umbilical cord.
5. *Monitor the Baby**: Watch for signs of tetanus and seek medical help if needed.

7 months ago
Dorris Q Quiee
for babies who was born out of hospital, and the unbilical cord was cut with unsterile instrument, The preventive measures for tetanus is that the mother should quickly report the incident to the hospital in other for the child or babies to be vaccinated and also to be observed.
7 months ago

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