Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 18 Aug 2024
A 9-month-old girl child complains that the baby's head seems to be larger. Her wt=7.5, HC=47cm, CC=41cm, L=69cm. Is it in the normal range or larger if yes how should we proceed further?
Expert Answer :
Her head size seems larger than the total length. As per her length, her head circumference should be between 41.5 cm to 46.5 cm. Make sure your measurements are correct. If still larger, then get an ultrasound of the head to rule out hydrocephalus. If normal, an MRI of the brain may be indicated.
Answer Discussion :
Kavita Dhingra
if child milestones are normal .other parameters normal ...then check the head size of father n mother ? familial macrocephaly.
6 months ago
Abdalla Almatbagi
Abnormal more than97 percentile Go for C T head
6 months ago
hizbullah khan
Thorough history needs to be taken including Birth history,HC at birth and other anthropometric measures followed by Calcium,Vit D levels along with TSH profile
6 months ago
Rajesh Kharat
needs information on frontoparietal bossing, wide open fontanells, other bony changes in limbs, sweating on feeds needed to r/o calcium deficiency, gaze abnormality and miles stones delay information may suggest CNS cause ,or it could be ideopathic megalencephaly or if syndromic features or facies present then it could be a part of cong syndromes.
6 months ago
Dfsa Ata
whate about fontaneles is it full, bulging, or flat or depressed.
should be assessment for head enlargement causes as rickets,hypothyroidism, hydrocephaly and other cause

6 months ago

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