Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 Aug 2024
I have a 10-year-old patient who was admitted to us 2 months back with a fever, on investigation and examination he was found to have Rt effusion which was therapeutic and a diagnostic tap was done, it was tubercular with Mountoux 20 mm positive, he was started with 4 drug ATT after 1 mth he came to me with absolutely no fever, healthy life xray done revealed blunting of angle, I continued on the same treatment, now he came after completing 2 month of intensive TT by ATT and no complains, adequate weight gain is there, but x-ray shows blunting still present.
How much time does it take to clear, any role of steroids if the effusion persists TB effusion is a hypersensitivity reaction to protein, Do I need to continue intensive treatment for 1 month more, I was unclear as there were no symptoms I put him on 2 drugs now?
Expert Answer :
Minimal effusion may persist for a few months. If the child is putting on weight and is otherwise well, he can be continued on regular ATT regime.
Answer Discussion :
Abhinav Peerdiwal
Thanks for the query
You might have to send CBNAAT and liquid cultures if not already send.
Get a CT scan or good lung USG to see what is the underlying pathology there -fluid or fibrosis or atelectasis.
But seems reasonable to continue with whatever treatment you are giving

7 months ago
Dfsa Ata
7 months ago
Ashish Dutta
No role of extending the intensive therapy.
Ideally Gene Xpert should have been done to check for Rif sensitivity.
XRay clearing can take 2-3 months also.
If the child is clinically better, weight gain is present then don't need to chase the X-Ray findings.
If you are still worried then can do a CT chest, it might be just pleural thickening but always keep in mind the radiation exposure component.
No role of steroids.

7 months ago
Fahad Iqbal
Pleural effusion in tb needs steroid cover, do the gene xpert if its negative start continuation phase with 2 drugs if positive look for rifampicin resistance
7 months ago
Dr. Akshay
Pleural effusion is the most commonest cause as you told pt had effusion I think go for bronchoscopy to rule out empyema or hemothorax as these two are the complications
7 months ago

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