Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Oct 2016
This is rgarding HIV

If positive mother hasnot received any ART {neither as treatment nor as preventive regimen}what is the drug of choice for the baby at birth .Should single dose Nevirapine given or six week zidovidine_?

2}A positive mother received SDNVP before delivery and also to newborn {WITHIN 72HR}after dischsrge at DOL 3 they showed to a private pediatrician for some problem who prescribed them 6 WEEK ZIDIVIDINE.Is it correct

Please guide me


Dr Mangesh
Expert Answer :
Both prophylaxis regimes are correct for the baby. In resource limited settings, single dose Nevirapine is recommended as some sort of prophylaxis. In resource rich settings, ideal would be to keep the child on replacements feeds {no breast feeding} and 4-6 weeks of AZT. If the child is going to be breast fed, current WHO recommendation is to give the child Nevirapine or Zidovudine till the time the child is going to be breast fed which may be 6-12 months.
Answer Discussion :
No answer discussion available.

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