Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 08 Nov 2006
Of late, drug companies are promoting bovine colostrum preparations to improve immunity status of chronically ill children, even claiming that it will help the ashmatics, is there real proof that these supplements are really useful?
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Answer Discussion :
Yousif Ibrahim
I think we need stastical data to proof it usefulness
18 years ago
Dr Nazir
not yet, trials needed
18 years ago
Dr. Ashish Biswas
Company claims and research proof are often contradictory.Maybe what we need is a more responsible DCI.
18 years ago
theoretically colostrum contains things which are beneficial to humans but no such concrete evidence is put forward as to say that even after processing the food they retain the potency.
18 years ago
Well-designed, controlled clinical trials of bovine colostrum are largely lacking. A few human studies have suggested that some components of some bovine colostrum preparations have significant antimicrobial activity. Immunoglobulins in colostrum derived from cows immunized against particular pathogens may help protect against those specific pathogens in some instances, but bovine colostrum supplements may vary widely in terms of specific constituents.

Greenberg PD, Cello JP. Treatment of severe diarrhea caused by Crytosporidium parvum with oral bovine immunoglobulin concentrate in patients with AIDS. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Rretrovirol. 1996, 13:348-354.

Huppertz HI, Rutkowski S, Busch DH, et al. Bovine colostrum ameliorates diarrhea in infection with diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, shiga toxin-producing E. coli, and E. coli expressing intimin and hemolysin. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1999, 29:452-456.

18 years ago

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