Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Nov 2008
In our institute, Albumin infusion is generally given to any preterm neonate if his bilirubin level approaches near exchange level to prevent kernicterus. The idea behind this is that Albumin binds with free bilirubin and prevents its entry through Blood brain barrier. My question is that Is there any role of Albumin infusion to prevent kernicterus {without exchange transfusion}? Whether Albumin infusion is helpful or harmful to the baby under phototherapy? It seems logical that by binding to bilirubin, Albumin can prevent entry of bilirubin to brain but what happens exactly I dont know.
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
There have been a few studies on albumin infusion in newborns with indirect hyperbilirubinemia. However there are no randomised controlled trials to show any benefit really exists or not.

Pediatrics International, Volume 43, Number 1, February 2001 , pp. 8-11

16 years ago

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