Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 23 Jan 2007
I have a patient aged 10 yrs, right handed, born of non consanguineous marriage with tremors {pin rolling type} in the left hand associated with head bobbing movements. Child was fine 5 days back when he was given some medication for cough. There was no vomiting and fever. After that the child started with these tremors. There is no rigidity, postural instability or gait changes. There is no loss of higher functions and there are no cerebellar signs. What can be the probable etiology? MRI done shows no changes in the brain.
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Are the tremors present in sleep? Is the examination suggestive of extrapyramidal involvement or cerebellar involvement. Rule out drug induced problems such as tremors due to beta agonists. Also a viral encephalitis. If it persists, one may need to get an EEG and also rule out Wilson's disease, chorea and parkinson's disease.
18 years ago
Ahsan Salim
He might have taken B agonist medicines like salbutamol etc
18 years ago
Dr Suhas Choudhari
salbutamol toxicity
18 years ago
plese give details of medication given for cough
18 years ago

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