Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 18 Jan 2006
How important is the role of determination of Adenosine Deaminase as a diagnostic aid for Childhood Tuberculosis ?
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Answer Discussion :
Csf ADA levels are specific and sensitive around 80 Percent whereas other fluids it is nonspecific
19 years ago
The role important especialy in CNS Tuberculosis
19 years ago
nikhil agrawal
not very specific but may aid when other points in favor are there
19 years ago
Rashna Dass
adenosine deaminase {ADA}cannot be used as a single marker to diagnose tuberculosis. However in a suggestive clinical setting and where all other attempts to prove the diagnosis remains negative it can be used as a supportive evidence of tuberculosis and helps to take a therapeutic decision. Where ever possible fluid when aspirated for analysis must also be sent for an estimation of ADA and if the levels are very much above the cut-offs suggested one can take it as supportive evidence for tuberculosis.
19 years ago
Pleural fluid levels of adenosine deaminase {ADA} have been found to be high in patients with tuberculosis with sensitivity of 91.4 Percent.
Ref: J Clin Lab Anal. 2005,19{2}:40-6.

According to a study in China, When the level of ADA was higher than 45 U-L, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in the diagnosis of tuberculous ascites were 100 Percent, 97.1 Percent and 98.5 Percent.
Ref:Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2003 Apr,34{2}:320-1.

According to a study in Africa, the median ADA level in the tuberculous pericarditis is 71.7 U-L {range, 10.3 to 303.6 U-L}, With a cut off activity of 30 U-L, sensitivity was 94 Percent, specificity was 68 Percent, and positive predictive value was 80 Percent.

Ref: Chest. 2002 Sep,122{3}:900-5.

According to a study in India, Mean CSF-ADA levels in TBM patients was 9.61 Plus 4.10 IU-L and was significantly elevated as compared to viral encephalitis and enteric encephalopathy cases, but difference was insignificant in comparison to pyogenic meningitis {7.92 Plus 0.95 IU-L} and cerebral malaria. Hence ADA in CSF may not be reliable for daignosis of TBM.
REf: J Assoc Physicians India. 1999 Feb,47{2}:192-4.

19 years ago

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