Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Dec 2011
hi me,i am 34 wks pregnant with having severe generalised body itiching as my ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IS doc.prescribed tab.Piriton but on net and pharma books its use in pregnancy is controversial even in 3rd trimester.its also not recommended for lactating mothers.pls.tell me what to do_?what u suggest regarding piriton.

Expert Answer :
Dear Dr Rehana

Any medicine if you read including common medications like Paracetamol is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women or to be used with caution since no major studies have proven its safety - not they are proven to be unsafe. But most category 1 medications are used with relative safety in majority of women. At the end of the day - it is the balance of risks vs benefit that has to be weighed for any medications before it is taken. Overall if the balance of the need for these medications are there for you - then you should take the decision. Generally there are no major problems with piriton.
Answer Discussion :
ahmed aboelenin
we recommend the use of topical soothing agents like calamine lotions with the use of chlorphenarmine maleate for short periods and small dose.
13 years ago
T Jothi
can use piriton camparitively safer than other drugs.
13 years ago

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