Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 10 Mar 2019
can seizure occur as a complication of bcg vaccination_? since i ve seen a case of seizures - 2 episodes immediately following vaccination within 1 hour, the child is on live day 5, on breast milk, healthy full term normal delivery with no signficant antenatal natal or post natal event .....has ther been any documented evidence
Expert Answer :
No, BCG causing seizures has not been reported. Rule out hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia.
Answer Discussion :
joopalli M Rao
In my 40 years as paediatrician, never noticed seizure after BCG ,
6 years ago
gatadi babu rajendra prasad
I have not seen any seizures associated with bcg till now
6 years ago
George M
it is unlikely to happen Immediately after bcg,it sometimes occur with DWpt
6 years ago
mona benhussien
I think there no relation bet BCG and seizure
6 years ago
Manish Bhagat
no it's unlikely after bcg. It may occur with DwPT
6 years ago

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