Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Oct 2012
Can Deflazocort b used in place of wysolone in Nephrotic Syndrome_?If so whats the regime_?
Expert Answer :
There are no randomized controlled studies between Prednisolone and Deflazacort in management of new onset nephrotic syndrome. So, the current view is to continue use of Prednisolone as per the German protocol. For long term safety benfits, Deflazacort is superior to Prednisolone {specifically on bones and eyes}, and can be used in place of Prednisolone once the child is in complete remission after a relapse. 5 mg of Prednisolone is equivalent to 6 mg of Deflazacort. The cost factor of Deflazacort has to be considered before prescribing {~ Re 1 per 1 mg}
Answer Discussion :
Pravin G Patel
I have used in 4-5 Nephrotic patients. Initialy with proteinuria I used Wysolone ,Once urine is clear, as maintenance I used Deflazacort,I have not yet experiance to start with Deflazocort however 1 mg of Wysolone is equivalent to 1.2 mg Deflazocort
12 years ago
sanjeev khera
yes, in the same regime as wysolone
12 years ago
pushpa latha
yes 5mg of prdnisolone =6mg of deflazocort
12 years ago
there have been no recommendationa on the usage of delazacort ...its better not used.
12 years ago
yes.same regime
12 years ago

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