Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 30 Sep 2009
calcium is reqired for formation of tenace in ccoagulation cascade.thn why doent thr occrse any bleding in hypocacemia_?
Expert Answer :
hypocalcemia does prolong clotting time. However it does not cause bleeding unless the child has associated bleeding tendency.
Answer Discussion :
kamaraj kandaswamy
ionised calcium is always normal
15 years ago
Anil Kumar Chaudhary
ionic calcium level normal
15 years ago
abdelsattar abdrabo
due to hnterferace of the other anticoaguant factors
15 years ago
Mohsin Ali
about half of all calcium is bound to proteins such as serum albumin, but it is the unbound, or ionized, calcium that the body regulates.Thus, if the albumin is low, the measured calcium may appear low when in fact it is physiologically within normal limits.
15 years ago
shanthi shanthi
calcium is not a major factor in coagulation. it only accelerates formation of fibrin which forms even in the absence of calcium
15 years ago

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