Posted On :
10 Nov 2024
A 6-year-old male, 22 kg came with complaints of bilateral multiple cervical enlarged lymph nodes since the last six months. History of pain and increase in size of lymph node since last 3 days. No h/o fever, cough, cold. past history is not significant. No h/o swelling at any other site. General examination reveals bilaterally enlarged, and firm. not-matted, non-tender lymph nodes around 1cm in size.systemic examination normal.a short course of antibiotics was prescribed by a physician followed by which pain subsided but the enlarged lymph node still persists. h/o kochs in grandfather since last 2 years. He was advised CBC and ESR, MT, fnac of LN, and chest x-ray. CBC was within normal limits, ESR-54, MT negative, FNAC showed reactive lymphadenitis and chest x-ray was normal. What shall be the further line of management?