Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 22 Sep 2008
A 2 year male child has complaints of dificulty in urination, initially dripping and then some stream seen. During this period that last for 4 to 5 days once a month when the urine is exposed to the air or ground the urine becomes milk coloured. This has been going on for the last one year. Apparently he has no other problem. He is 11.5kg. Kidney function is normal and blood calcium is 13. What could it be?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
uric acid
16 years ago
dr m lahiri
urethral stone,calcium oxalate crystals
16 years ago
Ahmed Fouad El-Taweil
16 years ago
Since the urine stream is not good, rule out posterior urethral valves. Also rule out urine infection. The urine turning white on exposure to ground may be due to phosphaturia and is a benign condition and does not require any treatment. The serum calcium is high. Do a calcium, phopshorus and alkaline phosphatase and rule out hypervitaminosis D. An ionic calcium is also required. Also do urine calcium creatinine
16 years ago

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