Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 30 Sep 2012

Management of Vaginal Adhesions :

1. Indications
2. Drugs, dose , duration , which creams and how to apply locally_?
3. when to go for surgery and which type of surgery_? Can surgery be attempted by in OPD and HOW_?

Expert Answer :
Many thanks for the query. Firstly vaginal adhesions is not congenital but acquired phenomenan, attempt may be made to separate them using any estrogen cream, if successful, this will be followed by hot hip baths thrice a day to be follwed by application of the same cream - for next 10 days. After 10 days, the hot hip bath may be once a day with application of the cream for a month. Most important, is to be careful these do not recur, by being clean and hygenic in the genital area after passing urine each time. If local application of the creams do not help, or the girl has difficulty, pain during urination, it would be better to go fro separation of the adhesions under anesthesia, and yes, this can be done on day care , OPD basis. Hope that answers your query adequately.

Dr Vivek Rege
Pediatric Surgeon and Pediatric Urologist
9821052680, 9869268680
Answer Discussion :
No answer discussion available.

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