Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 09 Feb 2025
If a child who is 5.5 years old receives two doses of the DPT vaccine at an interval of 4 months, what would be the implication of such a repeat dose if given? is it going to produce any ill effect on the patient?
Expert Answer :
2nd dose of DPT will give a heightened response - both immunological as well as side effects. There will not be any major ill-effect.
Answer Discussion :
balsam salim
No effect
27 Days ago
Maie Sallah
Why the patient received 2 doses of DPT at 5,5 age?it may cause convulsions, or even enchephalitis
27 Days ago
Maie Sallah
Why the patient received 2 doses of DPT at 5,5 age?
27 Days ago
Gladys Yonah
no effect
29 Days ago
SriNagesh Etha
May induce type3 immune reaction
30 Days ago

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