Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Jan 2025
A child with spastic diplegia has normal intelligence, can walk with support and other domains of dev are normal, he has grade 3 pem. How do we explain microcephaly in this child? Is it a must for a case of CP to have primitive reflexes present? I could not find any of the primitive reflexes. is it possible?
Expert Answer :
Spastic diplegia related to periventricular leukomalacia in premises is typically associated with no or mild cognitive deficits. Microcephaly is likely due to the white matter loss. These children will have a late resolution of primitive reflexes but typically show brisk tendon reflexes with crossed adductor response.
Answer Discussion :
benard momanyi
yes it's possible
2 months ago
Terefe Asnakew
what is delirium
2 months ago
Dfsa Ata
causes of microcephaly may be any pre or perinatal insult affect the brain growth ,ToRCH ,hereditary spastic diplagia or genetic microcephaly.
the possiblity of absence primitive reflexes in spastic diplgia yes

2 months ago
Shubhranshu Shekhar
Microcephaly is secondary to shrinkage of brain due to perinatal events and insults.

Primitive reflexes might be present but not necessarily.

2 months ago
ikram safi
Yes possible
2 months ago

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