Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 22 Oct 2005
10 year old male came with h,o weakness in both lower limbs since 1 day.there was h,o fever 3-4 days back treated with crocin and relived. on examination, vitals were normal, cns examination, power in all limbs,normal tone- normal no wasting,hypertrophy DTR,NORMALsuperficial reflexes normal no muscle tenderness and ,with waddling gait he was investigated,CPK was raised 1800 and LDH was 600 he started improving within 2 days symtomatically there was h,o similar complaints 2 years back with CPK 6000 at that time and improved spontan. we labelled it as VIRAL MYOSITIS. can it recur? what could be other daignosis and how should we proceed?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Since it is recurrent myositis, apart from viral infections, one should rule out metabolic disorders such as GSD, lactic acidosis, electrolyte disturbances, hypothyroidism and fatty acid oxidation defects. Also autoimmune disorder such as Juvenile Dermatomyosistis should be kept in mind even though skin manifestations are not seen in the child.
19 years ago
viral myositis
19 years ago
please do autoimmune studies to r-o autoimmune disease
19 years ago
juvinel dermato myositis
19 years ago
susan omer mohamed
Becker muscle dystrohy
19 years ago

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