Drug Index


Mechanism :

Emedastine is a potent, selective, and topically effective histamine H1 antagonist with a rapid onset of action.

Indication :

  • Allergic conjunctivitis

Contraindications :

Hypersensitivity, Contact lens-related irritation, Cautions.

Do not wear contact lenses if eyes are red; wait 10 min after emedastine to insert contacts.

Dosing :

Available as 0.05% ophthalmic solution.
<3 years:
Safety & efficacy not established.
>3 years:
1 to 2 drops in each affected eye 4 times daily.

Adverse Effect :

Hypersensitivity, Contact lens-related irritation, Cautions.

Do not wear contact lenses if eyes are red; wait 10 min after emedastine to insert contacts.

Mild transient burning, pruritus, dry eye, hyperemia, corneal staining, foreign body sensation, blurred vision, eye fatigue, tearing, infiltrate, irritation, headache, abnormal dreams, asthenia, dermatitis, taste perversion.

Hepatic Dose :

Specific guidelines for dosage adjustments in hepatic impairment are not available.
11/14/2024 19:12:19 Emedastine
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