Diagnostic Dilemma

Imperforate anus

A 16-month-old boy with an imperforate anus had undergone a right transverse colostomy for the same and was referred for further management. He was born full-term by normal vaginal delivery with no problem at the time of birth. Milestones were normal. On examination, there were no dysmorphic features. Systemic examination was normal. The colostomy site was normal.

What other birth defects should the child be screened for?
Expert Opinion :
This child has one birth defect – an imperforate anus. Other birth defects that can occur with the imperforate anus are cardiovascular malformations (12-22%); tracheoesophageal abnormalities (10%); gastrointestinal defects such as duodenal obstruction due to annular pancreas or duodenal atresia, malrotation with Ladd bands, Hirschsprung disease, constipation; spinal dysraphism (17-46%); urologic abnormalities such as hydronephrosis and vaginal and uterine abnormalities. Hence the child should undergo an ultrasound of the abdomen & pelvis and echocardiographic examination.
Answer Discussion :
anulika chiemela
8 months ago
Asma Anaam
VACTERL association
8 months ago

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