Diagnostic Dilemma

Hyperkalemia in a 2 months old

A 2 months old boy born of non-consanguineous marriage presented with difficulty in feeding with a suck-rest suck cycle for 1 month and excessive crying for 15 days. He had sweating over his forehead. There was no breathlessness at rest or cyanosis. He was on mixed feeds with breastfeeds and diluted cow’s milk. Physical examination was normal. Investigations showed normal hemogram, chest x-ray, and echocardiography. He was found to have persistent hyperkalemia though sodium, calcium, phosphorus & alkaline phosphatase were normal. His blood urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal ruling out renal failure. He was treated with IV Calcium Gluconate and bicarbonate but hyperkalemia persisted.

How to find out the cause of his hyperkalemia?
Expert Opinion :
The common causes of hyperkalemia are:
• high-potassium, low-sodium diets
• High concentrations of potassium in intravenous fluid preparations, such as total parenteral nutrition
• Renal failure
• Type 4 RTA
• Drugs: Potassium-sparing diuretics, spironolactone, amiloride, NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors
• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) especially 21-hydroxylase deficiency
• Gordon syndrome or pseudohypoaldosteronism Type II, characterized by hyperkalemia and hypertension

This child is on a milk diet and not on any drugs hence dietary and drugs are not the cause. The child’s renal function tests are normal. Hence the child should now be investigated for Type 4 RTA and CAH. This child’s venous blood gas is normal and urinary 17 hydroxyprogesterone and cortisol are normal. Thus one needs to rule out pseudohypoaldosteronism in this child though the blood pressure is normal. The next step would be to do serum aldosterone and renin levels. The decrease may suggest adrenal insufficiency or pseudohypoaldosteronism.
Answer Discussion :
Markus Schmid
capillary blood
9 months ago
dhanashree mundle
10 months ago

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