Diagnostic Dilemma

Treatment of hypercalcemia

A 9-month-old boy born of non-consanguineous marriage presented with polyuria and polydipsia for 1 month. The child had no other problems in the past and had been treated with Vitamin D 600,000 units orally twice at 6 months and 7 months of age and was on regular calcium supplements since birth. On examination, his weight was 6 kg and there was no evidence of rickets. Other examination findings were normal. His investigations showed serum calcium of 12.9 mg/dl, phosphorus of 4 mg/dl, and alkaline phosphatase of 83 IU/L. Ultrasound abdomen showed bilateral nephrocalcinosis with urine calcium/creatinine excretion of 0.6. Renal, liver function tests were normal.

How to treat the hypercalcemia?
Expert Opinion :
Hypercalcemia can be due to a variety of causes such as hypervitaminosis D, overuse of intravenous calcium preparations, and even milk-alkali syndrome. The treatment of hypercalcemia consists of hydration (with IV Fluids), alkalinization of urine by giving a diuretic. If the hypercalcemia still persists, then intravenous Pamidronate (bisphosphonate) in a dose of 0.5 mg/kg would be required to bring the serum calcium down. If hypervitaminosis D is the cause of hypercalcemia, then oral steroids (prednisolone – 1 mg/kg/day x 5 days) would aid in decreasing the absorption of calcium from the intestines.
Answer Discussion :
anulika chiemela
Stop calcium
11 months ago
Sidra Riaz
he pp?

11 months ago

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