Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Oct 2008
What should be the strategy for IPV in our clinics at present?
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Answer Discussion :
Dr. H.S.Raikhy
Those who can afford should be given ipv
16 years ago
There are two situations in this regards. One where the patient has already received OPV and other is where the baby is naïve. If the patient has already received OPV {some or all the doses}, one can use 2 doses of IPV at 2 months interval which will help ensure,boost the immunity induced by OPV against poliomyelitis. If the patient is naïve, one can use 2 doses of IPV starting from 8 weeks of age onwards and at 2 months interval for primary series followed by a booster at 15 months or one can use 3 doses at 6, 10 and 14 weeks for primary series {along with DPT} followed by a booster at 15 months {again with the booster of DPT}. One must use birth dose of OPV in all such cases as possible and may use OPV in addition to IPV. As in our country 3 primary doses of DPT are given at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age, 3 dose schedule of IPV may go well with this schedule.

Pulse polio with OPV must be given to all children up to the age of 5 years irrespective of whether one has given OPV or IPV in the routine immunization for the child.
IPV is preferable in immunocompromised children.

16 years ago

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