Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Nov 2012
what is the mindset behind the use of cephalosporins in the treatment of dengue and dengue like illnesses_?
Expert Answer :
Normally all the clinicians are always fearing of Bacterial sepsis when they face any child with shock like syndromes and that is fair also. Unfortunately this fear is now traslated in the office practice and so all the patients coming to office with fever are equated as having Bacterial infection and receives Antibiotic prescription. This is also due to our erroneus trust in antibiotics that can take care of all the infections. We have myth that Antibiotics will prevent secondary infections. Combination of all these factors leads to prescription of Broadest spectrum antibioptics. One more factor is many clinicians can not differentiate viral from bacterial infection also.Unfortunately cephalosporins are broader spectrum as wellas relatively chip and parenteral so they are used in all the viral illnesses.
Dr Raju Shah.
Answer Discussion :
12 years ago
drsuresh chhatwani
not dengue fever
main treatment is supportive...
hydration.control of fever
may be folic acid, vitamins.

12 years ago
There is no role of antibiotics it is just being used as a placebo for both the patient and the doctor
12 years ago

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