Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 26 Apr 2018
Pl. give us information reg. SWINE FLU vaccine ,type,indications in pediatric pts, side effects, contraindications e.t.c.

Tab. osaltamivir, can we give to all FLU FEVER cases as we cant differentiate from SWINEFLU cases_?, is there any specific indication _? pl. inform.

Thanking you.

Expert Answer :
Nasovac is a indigenously developed intra-nasal vaccine for swine flu produced by SERUM INSTITUTE OF INDIA. The current vaccine, priced at Rs. 160 per dose, is for adults and children above three years. However, Nasovac is not to be administered to pregnant and lactating women.

Ministry of Health and FW, Government of India has imported 1.5 million doses of vaccine to vaccinate selected population among the high risk group. PANENZA, the pandemic vaccine procured from Sanofi Pasteur, France, is a split virus inactivated, non-adjuvanted monovalent vaccine against pandemic Influenza. One dose {0.5 ml} intra muscular is the dose preferred. Common side effects reported are Headache, muscular pain, pain at the injection site, feeling generally unwell, shivering, fever. These side effects usually disappeared without treatment within 1 to 3 days after onset. As per the manufacturer, rare side effects such as encephalomyelitis, neuritis, Guillain- Barre Syndrome are seen with seasonal influenza vaccine and there can be similar possibility with the pandemic influenza vaccine.
It is stored at 2-8 degree celsius.

Further details of their usefulness and adverse effects will be available after few months of their usage.

Oseltamivir can be used for both influenza A and B. However it cannot be used for other viral infections.
Answer Discussion :
No answer discussion available.

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