Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 08 Nov 2005
I have a B thal patient who is hep B antibody negative and she has been immunised 2 times full immunisation{ 3 doses each time} by 2 different pedaitricians. She is still antibody negative. She is 16 years old. What does this signify and what should be done? She is hep B and C antigen negative.
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Dr. Anil Motani
hiv infection
19 years ago
nikhil agrawal
her immune system is not responsive. A third trial of full immunisation should be tried with booster.
19 years ago
shilpa naik
first, ensure hep b vaccine was not given in the gluteal region.confirm hiv status.i feel there is no need to revaccinate her the 3rd time.
19 years ago
Since she has not developed antibodies to Hepatitis B vaccine, the vaccine needs to be repeated with double the dose to ensure immunity. Rule out underlying immunodeficiency and liver disease that may prevent adequate antibody titres.
19 years ago

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