Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 12 May 2007
I am working in an HIV project where we regularly do baseline investigation and DNA PCR. The trial is related to Nevirapine where we give 6 week Nevirapine in babies enrolled in randomised cohort. It has been observed that many babies develop anemia or neutropenia or both where neither of these side effect has been mentioned as per as i know. Will you please guide me?
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Answer Discussion :
Stop the drug for two weeks,if there is recovery thats mean it is drug induced.If not give a traial of GCSF AND erythropoietin
18 years ago
Are you giving nevirapine for 6 weeks or is it zidovudine for six weeks. NVP usually has a half life for over 3 weeks and hence single dose is usually enough. Also 6 weeks of single dose NVP may lead to resistance since the mutation required is only one whereas for AZT, multiple mutations are required before the drugs becomes resitant. 6 weeks NVP can lead to anemia and hepatitis.
18 years ago

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