Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 24 Aug 2004
Female child with chronic pallor for 2 years and needed blood transfusion 4 times previously. There is no fever , hepatosplenomegaly or lymphadenopathy Investigations: HB : 5.5 gm,dl, RBCs : 2500000, platelets : 120000,cc, wbcs : 11000,cc. What is the differential diagnosis?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Dr Sanwar Agrawal
We need information on MCV and other indices, Hbf Percent etc. We do not have the age of the patient either. When was the onset of anemia is important for the differential.
From the info available it looks like pure red cell aplasia.

20 years ago
Victoria May
Iron deficiency anaemia

20 years ago
Since there is no hepatosplenomegaly, one may almost rule out hemolytic anemia. One must think of nutritional anemia, chronic blood loss such as worm infestation and even bone marrow hypoplasia. A complete blood count with indices and reticulocyte count with peripheral smear examination would decide on further line of investigation.
20 years ago
akanksha chichra
20 years ago

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